Assurity's Tips from the Insurance Pros
Assurity's Tips from the Insurance Pros
Jim Kush: Don’t miss critical illness sales
Critical illness insurance is much more than just another product – it’s a vital part of a holistic insurance strategy, and an easy add-on for other sales. Jim Kush, President and Founder of JK Financial Group, shares his successful approach for CI sales and explains why he thinks it’s one of the most important products you can offer your clients.
FOR PRODUCER USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC.Assurity is a marketing name for the mutual holding company Assurity Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries. Those subsidiaries include but are not limited to: Assurity Life Insurance Company and Assurity Life Insurance Company of New York. Insurance products and services are offered by Assurity Life Insurance Company in all states except New York. In New York, insurance products and services are offered by Assurity Life Insurance Company of New York, Albany, New York. Product availability, features and rates may vary by state.